Yukon Micro Loan ProgramThe Yukon Micro Loan Program is a tiered lending program—starting at $4,000 for a first loan—to individuals who want to start, maintain or expand small businesses. Loan terms range from six months to three and a half years. Applicants who successfully repay their first micro loan can apply for gradually higher amounts of funding for a future loan (maximum $12,000 for a third loan). Additionally, those who repay their loans in a timely fashion may qualify for interest rate reductions on subsequent loans. Unlike other loan programs, the Yukon Micro Loan Program focuses on the applicant’s character, trustworthiness and personal commitment rather than on the applicant’s credit history and amount of collateral. In this way, the Yukon Micro Loan Program makes funds available to entrepreneurs who might not qualify for larger amounts of financing under more traditional loan programs. Microloans can help an individual establish credit or improve a poor credit history. Micro Loans Can Be Used For Business Purposes Such As:
Micro loans cannot be used to refinance existing loans or to pay off personal debt. Yukon Micro Loan Program recipients are entitled to take selected däna Näye Ventures training courses at no cost. |
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For more information
Rosalie NorwegianFinancial Services Officer (867) 668-6925 ext. 1008 |